Olemike's Blog

Spring Garden 2013

Posted by olemike on 05/24/2013


It’s been forever since I’ve posted.  One thing I have discovered about blogging.  If you don’t post regularly, it is very easy to get out of the habit and before you know it, it may have been months since the last post.

Right now, I’m playing catch up on my spring garden postings.  I am going to break it down into two separate posts.  The first will be a look shortly after I had planted (early April) and secondly, a more current status.  This spring we planted 1 bed of all beets (Early Wonder) for canning purposes, 3 Patty Pan squash, 1 zucchini, 6 Celebrity tomato plants for canning, and 5 heirloom tomato plants( Brandywine, Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Abraham, Lincoln, and Amish Paste) for eating, 3 cucumbers, and about 6 basil plants.  We are planting more tomatoes this year than normal because we want to experiment with various types.

050613-BabySquash 050613-left 050613-Right 050613-Bed6A 050613-Bed6b 050613-Bed5 050613-Bed1 050613-Bed2 050613-Bed4

I also have some pictures of onions and red cabbage which I planted last fall.  They really took off when it started to warm up this spring.

040313 Red Cabbage-2 040313 Onions-2

 In the next couple of days, I will follow-up with a current status.  There are quite a few changes.

11 Responses to “Spring Garden 2013”

  1. Jenny said

    Very nice!!!

  2. df said

    Everything is looking absolutely wonderful; you have the greenest thumb!

  3. Phyllis said

    Glad to get this post. Everything looks so good. Will watch for next one.

  4. Greta Hogberg said

    Your vegetable garden looks delicious. I wish you guys were not so far away so I could benefit from it.

  5. solarbeez said

    Do you have slugs down there? We’re losing a bunch of new sprouts to them. Guess I’ll have to start going out at night with a flashlight and garden gloves.

    • olemike said

      Yes, we also have that problem from time to time. Short of using some kind of snailbait, just break out the flashlight and gloves. Good luck!

  6. Phyllis said

    Everything looks so good. Can you imagine what 153 lbs would cost at Whole Foods? Great going?

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